SCAH-sponsored panel at the College Art Association Annual Conference in 2025

Narratives of Exile, Migration, and Movement in Contemporary Art 

Chair: Sarah E. Kleinman, Virginia Commonwealth University

In-person session • New York Hilton Midtown, February 12–15, 2025 
Submission deadline: August 29

In his 2011 essay “The Migrant’s Time,” Ranajit Guha casts diaspora as a temporal transgression, resulting in displacement and a rupture from shared pasts. This session invites papers that examine the ways in which art and curatorial practices intersect with experiences of displacement, migration, and cultural hybridity in contemporary art. Possible topics include:

  • How have arts practitioners represented narratives of exile and displacement? What visual languages and narratives emerge from experiences of forced migration and diaspora? How do these representations challenge dominant narratives of place and belonging?
  • How have artists navigated issues of identity in the context of migration and movement? How do their works reflect the complexities of cultural hybridity, diasporic identities, and the politics of belonging?
  • How do material choices and artistic processes intersect with memories of displacement and migration? How have artists engaged with objects, textures, and archival materials to evoke personal and collective histories of migration and exile?
  • How have curators engaged with narratives of migration, exile, and (post)colonial histories in exhibition-making? How have recent exhibitions served as sites of critical inquiry?
  • How have diasporic artistic practices challenged dominant narratives of migration, displacement, and colonial legacies? How have arts practitioners mobilized art as a tool for resistance, solidarity, and social change?

This session aims to critically examine narratives of exile, migration, and movement within the broader context of contemporary art and visual culture. We particularly encourage submissions from emerging scholars, curators, and artists.

Topics: Contemporary
Topics: Art Practice
Topics: Exhibitions
Diaspora Studies
Topics: Migration

To Submit
Prepare your Presentation Title and Abstract (250 words max), shortened CV (close to 2 pages), and (optional) images or documentation of work; limit to five images that support your proposal. 

Submit through the CAA 2025 Session page by August 29, 2024

Chairs will notify submitters directly of their decision by September 16.