Supporting Membership


︎ $ 10.00 per annum

Emerging Professional

︎ $ 20.00 per annum


︎ $ 50.00 per annum


︎ $ 100.00 per annum


︎ $ __ per annum

*receives optional acknowledgement on website

Membership funds support CAA affiliate society dues, honorariums for guest speakers at SCAH programs, and website hosting and maintenance. Future funded initiatives include support for Regional Group gatherings and travel and essay prizes.

Supporting members enjoy voting rights and have access to a private SCAH Google Drive for sharing resources.* They are also invited to our annual business meeting at CAA. Dues are collected annually on a rolling basis.

Please fill out this Google Form (even if this is a renewal) after completing the Paypal payment by clicking the shopping bag icon (︎) to the left, where you can send a PayPal payment to @scahweb.

*To access the members-only Google Drive, your email address must be associated with a Google account. This does not require Gmail nor an organizational subscription to Google services. Visit Google accounts to create an email address.